Relieve Osteoarthritis Pain Naturally

How does ProleevaMax™ Help Osteoarthritis Pain?

ProleevaMax is effective with osteoarthritis because it targets the production of “trigger molecules,” the inflammatory reaction that the body systemically produces.

ProleevaMax also reduces the inflammatory chemicals endotoxins, leucocytes, neutrophils, basophils, and many more, enabling the reduction of inflammation and associated pain.

While all the ingredients work together to help relieve pain naturally, Curcumin, Matcha Green Tea, Boswellia Extract, Panax Ginseng, and 5-HTP are especially effective for arthritis related symptoms.


Curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that both soothe and provide comfort in muscles and joints by blocking the COX-2 enzymes responsible for inflammation and pain.

Matcha Green Tea Powder

It’s no secret that matcha green tea leaf powder has amazing antioxidative properties. Studies have shown that when matcha green tea is used in addition to a balanced diet, it can improve the overall antioxidative status and protect against oxidative damage within the body.

Boswellia Extract

Boswellia, or Indian frankincense, is a resin herbal extract from the boswellia tree, which natural medicine practices have used for centuries. Its anti-inflammatory effects help with inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and asthma.

Panax Ginseng Root Powder

Panax ginseng helps regulate immune cells including macrophages, natural killer cells, dendritic cells, T cells, and B cells. It helps alleviate arthritic symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory and homeostatic properties.


5-HTP is an amino acid that causes chemical reactions in the body and transports nutrients. It suppresses inflammation and arthritic pain by decreasing the production of pro-inflammatory mediators.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease, in which the protective cartilage tissue that covers the ends of bones breaks down over time. This causes the ends of bones to rub together. As the damage of soft tissues in the joint progresses, pain, stiffness, and swelling develops. 

With increased stiffness and pain, you may be less active, leading to muscle weakness, causing more stress on the joint. Small bone growths, called osteophytes or bone spurs, may grow on the edges of the joint. The shape of the bone may also change.

Pain and other symptoms of OA may lead you to feel tired, have problems sleeping, and feel depressed.

The primary symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

  • Joint pain. Pain when using the joint, which may improve with rest. Pain can be worse at night.
  • Joint swelling. Tender, warm, swollen joints, especially after a lot of activity.
  • Joint stiffness. Usually lasting less than 30 minutes, in the morning and after inactivity.
  • Joint mobility. Loss of flexibility and reduced range of motion.

Did you know?

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability, effecting more than 32.5 million adults in the U.S.

There is a specific form of osteoarthritis called inflammatory osteoarthritis, which usually effects middle-age women. It causes sudden and severe pain and swelling of the joints.

What Makes ProleevaMax™ Effective?

ProleevaMax was specifically customized for use in addition to your current treatment plan.

Our Nutraceutical has no addictive attributes and is made with all-natural ingredients to help reduce chronic inflammation in the body.

Our formula has a unique combination of ingredients specially formulated to relieve chronic pain and inflammation.

What Makes ProleevaMax™ effective?

ProleevaMax was specifically customized for use in addition to your current treatment plan. Our Medical Food has no addictive attributes and is made with all-natural ingredients to help reduce chronic inflammation in the body. Our formula has a unique combination of ingredients specially formulated to relieve chronic pain.

What Causes Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a complex disease that affects the whole joint, not just the cartilage. It involves inflammation of the joint lining, changes in the bone and connective tissues, and damage to the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones.

Osteoarthritis is sometimes called a wear and tear disease, but it is not just caused by aging or overuse.

There are several things that may increase your risk of developing osteoarthritis, including:

  • Age. Osteoarthritis can begin at any age, but the onset is highest among adults in their fifties.
  • Gender. Osteoarthritis is more common in women than men, especially after menopause.
  • Overuse. Evidence suggests that people with repetitive stress on a joint or poor posture increases the chance of OA.
  • Injury. Osteoarthritis can develop due to past injuries such as torn cartilage, ligament damage, or dislocated joints.
  • Obesity. Extra weight puts more stress on joints, especially the hips and knees, increasing the risk of developing OA in these joints.

ProleevaMax™ Testimonials & Reviews

Why take our word for it when you can see real reviews from ProleevaMax customers? Below are reviews and video testimonials on the pain relieving power of ProleevaMax.

Take charge of your body.
Relieve osteoarthritis pain today.

Take charge of your body. Relieve osteoarthritis pain today.